Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 25
My eye is getting much worse. But much more work on the artifact has been achieved;
(Artifact bondo'd)
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 15
I havnt slept for days.
The voices coming from the wall have stopped for now but something worse, i fear, is lying in wait. I feel as if for a short time I can finally find solace in my home, however brief it may be. The walls have all but forgotten what they look like, covered in water stains. Rust drips from the cieling above etching its way down, desperate to form murky puddles across the floor.
Where am I? - Everything is deteriorating, all the food I had is gone, my old furniture has been replaced by chainlink beds strapped together by bent rusted barbed-wire. The sound of dripping black water from the cieling fan can be heard echoing throughout the apartment......
Im alone.
Every exit I can possibly take is sealed off by old twisted wire. The windows wont break and the visibility is limited due to the quality of the glass/plastic.
The only exit I dare take is a hole burrowed out in the bathroom where the toilet used to be, it smells of rotting flesh accompanied with a myriad of larval insects pulsing around the corners of the room. The only mirror left intact in my apartment can be found here, although the reflections must be left up to interpretation.
I am not sure what it means, but at this point i dont care so long as the itch in my eye clears up within the next couple days.
My only comunication capabilities to the outside world is this computer, which for some reason, is the only object of pleasure my Hosts have allowed me to retain.
I have made a pledge to myself, to finish this project. The more I work the worse it gets, it doesnt matter though, I didnt have a life before any of this; so why should it matter if I have one now?- They can take my life! At least it will have meant something to ME! I have no loved ones, no friends, no family, who cares if I die?
If I must die then I will do so facing my inner demons,
trapped in my own Tartarus.
The voices coming from the wall have stopped for now but something worse, i fear, is lying in wait. I feel as if for a short time I can finally find solace in my home, however brief it may be. The walls have all but forgotten what they look like, covered in water stains. Rust drips from the cieling above etching its way down, desperate to form murky puddles across the floor.
Where am I? - Everything is deteriorating, all the food I had is gone, my old furniture has been replaced by chainlink beds strapped together by bent rusted barbed-wire. The sound of dripping black water from the cieling fan can be heard echoing throughout the apartment......
Im alone.
Every exit I can possibly take is sealed off by old twisted wire. The windows wont break and the visibility is limited due to the quality of the glass/plastic.
The only exit I dare take is a hole burrowed out in the bathroom where the toilet used to be, it smells of rotting flesh accompanied with a myriad of larval insects pulsing around the corners of the room. The only mirror left intact in my apartment can be found here, although the reflections must be left up to interpretation.
(Depiction from the mirror)
I am not sure what it means, but at this point i dont care so long as the itch in my eye clears up within the next couple days.
My only comunication capabilities to the outside world is this computer, which for some reason, is the only object of pleasure my Hosts have allowed me to retain.
I have made a pledge to myself, to finish this project. The more I work the worse it gets, it doesnt matter though, I didnt have a life before any of this; so why should it matter if I have one now?- They can take my life! At least it will have meant something to ME! I have no loved ones, no friends, no family, who cares if I die?
If I must die then I will do so facing my inner demons,
trapped in my own Tartarus.
(Sanded fiberglass)
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 9 (extended)
Crack in my livingroom wall (from the outside)
The "voices from the wall" have exponentially increased in volume every hour since the earthquake; so loud now that they overwhelm my television's internal speaker volume. I now have no way of resting tonight for work tomorrow morning, my only choice is to surrender my body to the tortures of sleeplessness and give in to "the wall". I dont want to be here, I have once again locked myself in the bathroom and am waiting for this disturbing blight to reach an end.
These trials are psychologically vexing me to my brink.
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 9
Just recently arrived home from a friends house, I must say the time spent away had been more than refreshing but curiousity has got the better of me. I need to finish.
After some hours/days of fabrication i have succesully achieved the impossible. I have set grounds for an accurate fully braced frame for the fiberglassing.
Upon full completion of the frame I have noticed a few things out of place in my apartment. For some reason I cant seem to find my much loved guitar, and although I remember leaving it on the sofa in my study, it seems to have misplaced itself.
Also I think I should take note of the earthquake that just recently hit has left quite a large crack in the side of my livingroom wall, I had to use a tapestry to cover most of the crevice which has made me quite aware of a few disturbing things. There seems to be some sort of breeze emiting from the crevice on the wall paired with an almost inaudible whisper, I cant fully make out what the wall is saying but the breeze is visible (due to the tapestry slowly flapping back and forth) and usually occurs as soon as the tv is switched on. I have my superstitions (especially from the last demonic aparition) but I must stand firm in what I believe and finish my work.
Ive written down what i can make out of from the voices comming from my wall. As I have no neighbors you can see why this could be a bit alarming. The voices havnt stopped for some time now they keep replaying over and over the same message:
"It's been touched....(inaudible radio static) .....We talk a lot like you......I wont listen, nobody will ever forgive me. You fat disgusting piece of shit, you make me sick.......its all the same once we're dead. A corpse cant laugh.....(inaudible radio static)."
After some hours/days of fabrication i have succesully achieved the impossible. I have set grounds for an accurate fully braced frame for the fiberglassing.
Upon full completion of the frame I have noticed a few things out of place in my apartment. For some reason I cant seem to find my much loved guitar, and although I remember leaving it on the sofa in my study, it seems to have misplaced itself.
Also I think I should take note of the earthquake that just recently hit has left quite a large crack in the side of my livingroom wall, I had to use a tapestry to cover most of the crevice which has made me quite aware of a few disturbing things. There seems to be some sort of breeze emiting from the crevice on the wall paired with an almost inaudible whisper, I cant fully make out what the wall is saying but the breeze is visible (due to the tapestry slowly flapping back and forth) and usually occurs as soon as the tv is switched on. I have my superstitions (especially from the last demonic aparition) but I must stand firm in what I believe and finish my work.
Here are a few pictures of what I have occomplished so far.
Ive written down what i can make out of from the voices comming from my wall. As I have no neighbors you can see why this could be a bit alarming. The voices havnt stopped for some time now they keep replaying over and over the same message:
"It's been touched....(inaudible radio static) .....We talk a lot like you......I wont listen, nobody will ever forgive me. You fat disgusting piece of shit, you make me sick.......its all the same once we're dead. A corpse cant laugh.....(inaudible radio static)."
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 6
The more I work the more realistic my dreams begin to feel. Last night was unbearable; I dreamt I was awake, I may have been mistaken but the thought of all these dreams begining to materialize themselves is more than I can bear.
My body was pressed so tightly to the bed I could feel the frame against my protruding backbones. As I gazed upon my chest with eyes wide open, there, sat perched a small old man staring straight back at me, unmoving. Staring with such intent almost as if to ensure my suffocation. Forcefully pressing all his weight against my chest rendering me into a helpless paralytic state, I felt as if I where a victim of rape, waiting for the worst to be over through death or some other means, praying to any and every deity i could think of to liberate me from the clutches of this abomination.
Then it was over. As quickly as it came. I cant remember how, but I do remember the distinct echoing of a horses nay, it must've scared the creature off me. It ended.
Thank god it ended. God? Now that is a laughable remark; for if there where a god surely he would have enough sense to omit these vile creatures from existance.... no, there is no god.
I could still feel the burden against my chest where the bruising was begining to take shape. I suppose my worst dream was a reality.
After the confrontation I waited in my bathroom (for some reason I find great security there) for the next 6 hours carefully watching the light illuminating under the locked bathroom door, almost certain someone or something was out there straffing back and forth.
In the morning I called good friend and demonologist Patrick Shoemaker for guidance and clarity; he didnt have the time to come to my apartment, desperate to catch a plane for Chicago, the only clairvoyance he could shed on the situation was that i had beed visited by an apparition known to many cultures as the "old hag". I quickly denied it stating that the demon had a man's face and therefore couldnt be an "old hag", he replied back saying that demons have no specified sex- We said our goodbyes and I wished him luck with his newlyfound clients in Chicago.
My day has consisted of research regarding this deity at the States Library. I have found a good book with great knowlege on this particular subject regarding "sleep paralysis" it almost completely covers all the aspects of my encounter.
I have since been reluctant to work on the artifact, instead I'm currently residing at a friends estate in a nearby city, I have plans to continue possibly next week. I think I've had enough of demons for now.
My body was pressed so tightly to the bed I could feel the frame against my protruding backbones. As I gazed upon my chest with eyes wide open, there, sat perched a small old man staring straight back at me, unmoving. Staring with such intent almost as if to ensure my suffocation. Forcefully pressing all his weight against my chest rendering me into a helpless paralytic state, I felt as if I where a victim of rape, waiting for the worst to be over through death or some other means, praying to any and every deity i could think of to liberate me from the clutches of this abomination.
Then it was over. As quickly as it came. I cant remember how, but I do remember the distinct echoing of a horses nay, it must've scared the creature off me. It ended.
Thank god it ended. God? Now that is a laughable remark; for if there where a god surely he would have enough sense to omit these vile creatures from existance.... no, there is no god.
I could still feel the burden against my chest where the bruising was begining to take shape. I suppose my worst dream was a reality.
After the confrontation I waited in my bathroom (for some reason I find great security there) for the next 6 hours carefully watching the light illuminating under the locked bathroom door, almost certain someone or something was out there straffing back and forth.
In the morning I called good friend and demonologist Patrick Shoemaker for guidance and clarity; he didnt have the time to come to my apartment, desperate to catch a plane for Chicago, the only clairvoyance he could shed on the situation was that i had beed visited by an apparition known to many cultures as the "old hag". I quickly denied it stating that the demon had a man's face and therefore couldnt be an "old hag", he replied back saying that demons have no specified sex- We said our goodbyes and I wished him luck with his newlyfound clients in Chicago.
My day has consisted of research regarding this deity at the States Library. I have found a good book with great knowlege on this particular subject regarding "sleep paralysis" it almost completely covers all the aspects of my encounter.
I have since been reluctant to work on the artifact, instead I'm currently residing at a friends estate in a nearby city, I have plans to continue possibly next week. I think I've had enough of demons for now.
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 2
A model has been constructed from the deciphered apochrypha.
Upon comption of this model, the very next night I slipped into a deep sleep. I cannot remember much of the dream except for it being dark outside, the fog distorted everything. I will keep future records of these quaint dreams.
Upon comption of this model, the very next night I slipped into a deep sleep. I cannot remember much of the dream except for it being dark outside, the fog distorted everything. I will keep future records of these quaint dreams.
Documentation Exultation Assimilation- Day 1
The darkness is illuding me, i have found some old documentation from States Library but the message is still not clear. This old apocrypha may give me some more insight on the physical dimensions of pyramids head....I fear, some terrible truth is hidden behind this ancient demons past, but i know that if- somehow i where to completely re-construct his attire the wearer of ITS head and weilder of ITS knife would have access to harness energy far more powerful than anything thought attainable through the likes of mankind.
"Apocrypha of Sutekh"
Translation should only take a few more days and the precice dimentions will soon be known to me, I am that much closer to unraveling the secrets of Pyramids head. Documentation Exultation Assimilation
Was sitting on my couch the other day, when suddenly, upon completion of her favorite game (SILENT HILL 2) my beautiful wife exclaims,"Woudln't it be badass if i could go 'round the city as pyramid head (one of her pesonal heros)?". Toying with the idea of sending a 15' tall souless demon into the streets aggitating the general populations of Sweden, tickled my spidey-senses so i decided to endulge in this part-time fantasy and steal a few rusted tools from the kitchen cabinet(YES I KNOW, spoons are supposedly made of stainless) in order to depart on an epic journey in search of A DEMON.